Hello again, as I said here is the first Gordon Building update. Lets get to business. First off I cut three .060 x .250 and .188 strips, I cut them about a 1/4" too long just in case. Then I cut a few strips off of a sheet of .030" spacing metal siding from evergreen for the areas between the windows and I also cut a .020 x .060" strip for the sills. Last I needed some .060 x .250 cut for the top and bottom.
I then glued the basic frame work up in my magnetic gluing jig, that way everything stayed good and square, this is the critical point cause if the beginning is out of square then from here on out nothing will go right. I also cut a little spacer so the spacing for the windows would be perfect.
Once the frame work is dry I popped it out, flipped it over and added .040 x .060" strip to the back for added strength and support. Then I cut the tops of the vertical parts flush with the top horizontal pieces. This building might move quickly so I may post a little more often than the Dominion, but we shall see.

So exciting Chris!!! I'll keep an eye on the progress. Again your work is an inspiration. Keep up the good work and the good work on your blog. I'm sure lots of people appreciate even though they don't leave comments.
Yes I'm talking to you, the person reading this but fails to say "good work!" :D Look at all the amazing info Chris is giving you and all you gotta do is leave a thankyou message! :D
Cheers buddy..keep it up.
Bob (greatscaper)
I should hire you to strong arm visitors into commenting, I think that will go over well, don't you.
But thanks for all the free advertising and more than adequate comments you give. It really means allot.
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