Sorry for the surprise but I got a large amount of work done on the facade of the Gordon.
I had to add a .010" layer to start on the frame work, across the top 1/2" I cut strips of .010 x .125" a 1/4" long and made individual blocks. It turned out extremely well and I should have done it all the way down, ah well. I then built the tiny cornice on top and the slightly larger one above the first floor from various dimensions of strip.
The three vertical parts have a core of .040 x .250" strip, then I added three layers of .080, .100 and .125 strip that is .010" thick each. Then I built the little decorative parts up at the top floor from .010 x .060" and .040" strip stock.
In the first photo you can see my cement of choice, it is Tamiya Extra Thin Cement. I used to use Ambroid Pro Weld, but the Tamiya has a tiny brush, so I don't flood my parts with too much cement and end up with finger prints. Another bonus is the Tamiya is in a short squat bottle so it is less prone to being tipped over, but I have still managed to tip it.
This was just a quick update and I may not have explained some parts very well, please ask for clarification if needed.

Hi Christopher.
Wow, I really like the design of these columns. Kind of reminiscent of the detailing on some of Franl Lloyd Wright's buildings. Kudos to you on your fine model work. Would love to see some drawings or diagrams on how you put these together.
On a different note, I mentioned the Wiltern Theatre in the post about McGraw Hill, and it reminded me of a building I once worked in briefly when I lived in LA; the Wilshire Theatre in Beverly Hills. I believe that it was also used, albeit in model form, in "Blade Runner" as well.
Jeff, plans coming right up.
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